The main NeuroML container class, and other associated types that do not fit into the other categories
Schema against which NeuroML based on these should be valid: NeuroML_v2.3.xsd. Please file any issues or questions at the issue tracker here.
<xs:element name="neuroml" type="NeuroMLDocument">
<xs:documentation>The root NeuroML element.</xs:documentation>
<xs:complexType name="NeuroMLDocument">
<xs:extension base="Standalone">
<xs:element name="include" type="IncludeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="extracellularProperties" type="ExtracellularProperties" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="intracellularProperties" type="IntracellularProperties" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="morphology" type="Morphology" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="ionChannel" type="IonChannel" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="ionChannelHH" type="IonChannelHH" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="ionChannelVShift" type="IonChannelVShift" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="ionChannelKS" type="IonChannelKS" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:group ref="ConcentrationModelTypes"/>
<xs:group ref="SynapseTypes"/>
<xs:element name="biophysicalProperties" type="BiophysicalProperties" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:group ref="CellTypes"/>
<xs:group ref="InputTypes"/>
<xs:group ref="PyNNCellTypes"/>
<xs:group ref="PyNNSynapseTypes"/>
<xs:group ref="PyNNInputTypes"/>
<xs:element name="network" type="Network" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="ComponentType" type="ComponentType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Go to the libNeuroML documentation
from neuroml import NeuroMLDocument
from neuroml.utils import component_factory
variable = component_factory(
id: 'a NmlId (required)' = None
metaid: 'a MetaId (optional)' = None
notes: 'a string (optional)' = None
properties: 'list of Property(s) (optional)' = None
annotation: 'a Annotation (optional)' = None
includes: 'list of IncludeType(s) (optional)' = None
extracellular_properties: 'list of ExtracellularProperties(s) (optional)' = None
intracellular_properties: 'list of IntracellularProperties(s) (optional)' = None
morphology: 'list of Morphology(s) (optional)' = None
ion_channel: 'list of IonChannel(s) (optional)' = None
ion_channel_hhs: 'list of IonChannelHH(s) (optional)' = None
ion_channel_v_shifts: 'list of IonChannelVShift(s) (optional)' = None
ion_channel_kses: 'list of IonChannelKS(s) (optional)' = None
decaying_pool_concentration_models: 'list of DecayingPoolConcentrationModel(s) (optional)' = None
fixed_factor_concentration_models: 'list of FixedFactorConcentrationModel(s) (optional)' = None
alpha_current_synapses: 'list of AlphaCurrentSynapse(s) (optional)' = None
alpha_synapses: 'list of AlphaSynapse(s) (optional)' = None
exp_one_synapses: 'list of ExpOneSynapse(s) (optional)' = None
exp_two_synapses: 'list of ExpTwoSynapse(s) (optional)' = None
exp_three_synapses: 'list of ExpThreeSynapse(s) (optional)' = None
blocking_plastic_synapses: 'list of BlockingPlasticSynapse(s) (optional)' = None
double_synapses: 'list of DoubleSynapse(s) (optional)' = None
gap_junctions: 'list of GapJunction(s) (optional)' = None
silent_synapses: 'list of SilentSynapse(s) (optional)' = None
linear_graded_synapses: 'list of LinearGradedSynapse(s) (optional)' = None
graded_synapses: 'list of GradedSynapse(s) (optional)' = None
biophysical_properties: 'list of BiophysicalProperties(s) (optional)' = None
cells: 'list of Cell(s) (optional)' = None
cell2_ca_poolses: 'list of Cell2CaPools(s) (optional)' = None
base_cells: 'list of BaseCell(s) (optional)' = None
iaf_tau_cells: 'list of IafTauCell(s) (optional)' = None
iaf_tau_ref_cells: 'list of IafTauRefCell(s) (optional)' = None
iaf_cells: 'list of IafCell(s) (optional)' = None
iaf_ref_cells: 'list of IafRefCell(s) (optional)' = None
izhikevich_cells: 'list of IzhikevichCell(s) (optional)' = None
izhikevich2007_cells: 'list of Izhikevich2007Cell(s) (optional)' = None
ad_ex_ia_f_cells: 'list of AdExIaFCell(s) (optional)' = None
fitz_hugh_nagumo_cells: 'list of FitzHughNagumoCell(s) (optional)' = None
fitz_hugh_nagumo1969_cells: 'list of FitzHughNagumo1969Cell(s) (optional)' = None
pinsky_rinzel_ca3_cells: 'list of PinskyRinzelCA3Cell(s) (optional)' = None
hindmarshRose1984Cell: 'list of HindmarshRose1984Cell(s) (optional)' = None
pulse_generators: 'list of PulseGenerator(s) (optional)' = None
pulse_generator_dls: 'list of PulseGeneratorDL(s) (optional)' = None
sine_generators: 'list of SineGenerator(s) (optional)' = None
sine_generator_dls: 'list of SineGeneratorDL(s) (optional)' = None
ramp_generators: 'list of RampGenerator(s) (optional)' = None
ramp_generator_dls: 'list of RampGeneratorDL(s) (optional)' = None
compound_inputs: 'list of CompoundInput(s) (optional)' = None
compound_input_dls: 'list of CompoundInputDL(s) (optional)' = None
voltage_clamps: 'list of VoltageClamp(s) (optional)' = None
voltage_clamp_triples: 'list of VoltageClampTriple(s) (optional)' = None
spike_arrays: 'list of SpikeArray(s) (optional)' = None
timed_synaptic_inputs: 'list of TimedSynapticInput(s) (optional)' = None
spike_generators: 'list of SpikeGenerator(s) (optional)' = None
spike_generator_randoms: 'list of SpikeGeneratorRandom(s) (optional)' = None
spike_generator_poissons: 'list of SpikeGeneratorPoisson(s) (optional)' = None
spike_generator_ref_poissons: 'list of SpikeGeneratorRefPoisson(s) (optional)' = None
poisson_firing_synapses: 'list of PoissonFiringSynapse(s) (optional)' = None
transient_poisson_firing_synapses: 'list of TransientPoissonFiringSynapse(s) (optional)' = None
IF_curr_alpha: 'list of IF_curr_alpha(s) (optional)' = None
IF_curr_exp: 'list of IF_curr_exp(s) (optional)' = None
IF_cond_alpha: 'list of IF_cond_alpha(s) (optional)' = None
IF_cond_exp: 'list of IF_cond_exp(s) (optional)' = None
EIF_cond_exp_isfa_ista: 'list of EIF_cond_exp_isfa_ista(s) (optional)' = None
EIF_cond_alpha_isfa_ista: 'list of EIF_cond_alpha_isfa_ista(s) (optional)' = None
HH_cond_exp: 'list of HH_cond_exp(s) (optional)' = None
exp_cond_synapses: 'list of ExpCondSynapse(s) (optional)' = None
alpha_cond_synapses: 'list of AlphaCondSynapse(s) (optional)' = None
exp_curr_synapses: 'list of ExpCurrSynapse(s) (optional)' = None
alpha_curr_synapses: 'list of AlphaCurrSynapse(s) (optional)' = None
SpikeSourcePoisson: 'list of SpikeSourcePoisson(s) (optional)' = None
networks: 'list of Network(s) (optional)' = None
ComponentType: 'list of ComponentType(s) (optional)' = None
<neuroml xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" id="HL23PYR">
<include href="HL23PYR.cell.nml"/>
<pulseGenerator id="pg_HL23PYR" delay="50ms" duration="200ms" amplitude="0.2nA">
<notes>Simple pulse generator</notes>
<network id="HL23PYRNet" type="networkWithTemperature" temperature="34 degC">
<population id="HL23PYR_pop" component="HL23PYR" type="populationList">
<property tag="color" value="0.3220229197377431 0.19279726280626452 0.37635392246534727"/>
<property tag="region" value="L23"/>
<instance id="0">
<location x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0"/>
<inputList id="stim_iclamp_HL23PYR" population="HL23PYR_pop" component="pg_HL23PYR">
<input id="0" target="../HL23PYR_pop/0" destination="synapses"/>
Used to include other documents into each other.
<xs:complexType name="IncludeType">
<xs:attribute name="href" use="required" type="xs:anyURI"/>
Go to the libNeuroML documentation
from neuroml import IncludeType
from neuroml.utils import component_factory
variable = component_factory(
href: 'a anyURI (required)' = None)
<neuroml xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" id="HL23PYR">
<include href="A.cell.nml"/>