Mission and Aims#
Computational models, based on detailed neuroanatomical and electrophysiological data, are heavily used as an aid for understanding the nervous system. NeuroML is an international, collaborative initiative to develop a language for describing detailed models of neural systems, which will serve as a standard data format for defining and exchanging descriptions of neuronal cell and network models.
NeuroML specifications are developed by the NeuroML Editorial Board and overseen by its Scientific Committee. NeuroML is endorsed by the INCF, and is also an official COMBINE standard.
The NeuroML project community develops an XML (eXtensible Markup Language) based description language where XML Schemas are used to define model specifications. The community also develops and maintains a number of libraries (in Python, Java and other languages) to facilitate use of these specifications.
The aims of the NeuroML initiative are:
To create specifications for an XML-based language that describes the biophysics, anatomy and network architecture of neuronal systems at multiple scales
To facilitate the exchange of complex neuronal models between researchers, allowing for greater transparency and accessibility of models
To promote software tools which support NeuroML and support the development of new software and databases for neural modeling
To encourage researchers with models within the scope of NeuroML to exchange and publish their models in this format