Network descriptions for NeuroML 2. Describes network elements containing populations ( potentially of type populationList, and so specifying a list of cell locations ), projections ( i.e. lists of connections ) and inputs.
Original ComponentType definitions: Networks.xml. Schema against which NeuroML based on these should be valid: NeuroML_v2.3.xsd. Generated on 14/08/24 from this commit. Please file any issues or questions at the issue tracker here.
extends baseStandalone
Network containing: populations ( potentially of type populationList, and so specifying a list of cell locations ); projections ( with lists of connections ) and/or explicitConnections; and inputLists ( with lists of inputs ) and/or explicitInputs. Note: often in NeuroML this will be of type networkWithTemperature if there are temperature dependent elements ( e.g. ion channels ).
regions |
populations |
projections |
synapticConnections |
electricalProjection |
continuousProjection |
explicitInputs |
inputs |
<xs:complexType name="Network">
<xs:extension base="Standalone">
<xs:element name="space" type="Space" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="region" type="Region" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="extracellularProperties" type="ExtracellularPropertiesLocal" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="population" type="Population" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="cellSet" type="CellSet" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="synapticConnection" type="SynapticConnection" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="projection" type="Projection" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="electricalProjection" type="ElectricalProjection" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="continuousProjection" type="ContinuousProjection" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="explicitInput" type="ExplicitInput" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="inputList" type="InputList" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attribute name="type" type="networkTypes" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="temperature" type="Nml2Quantity_temperature" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="neuroLexId" type="NeuroLexId" use="optional"/>
Go to the libNeuroML documentation
from neuroml import Network
from neuroml.utils import component_factory
variable = component_factory(
id: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
metaid: 'a MetaId (optional)' = None,
notes: 'a string (optional)' = None,
properties: 'list of Property(s) (optional)' = None,
annotation: 'a Annotation (optional)' = None,
type: 'a networkTypes (optional)' = None,
temperature: 'a Nml2Quantity_temperature (optional)' = None,
neuro_lex_id: 'a NeuroLexId (optional)' = None,
spaces: 'list of Space(s) (optional)' = None,
regions: 'list of Region(s) (optional)' = None,
extracellular_properties: 'list of ExtracellularPropertiesLocal(s) (optional)' = None,
populations: 'list of Population(s) (required)' = None,
cell_sets: 'list of CellSet(s) (optional)' = None,
synaptic_connections: 'list of SynapticConnection(s) (optional)' = None,
projections: 'list of Projection(s) (optional)' = None,
electrical_projections: 'list of ElectricalProjection(s) (optional)' = None,
continuous_projections: 'list of ContinuousProjection(s) (optional)' = None,
explicit_inputs: 'list of ExplicitInput(s) (optional)' = None,
input_lists: 'list of InputList(s) (optional)' = None,
<network id="net1">
<population id="iafPop1" component="iaf" size="1"/>
<population id="iafPop2" component="iaf" size="1"/>
<population id="iafPop3" component="iaf" size="1"/>
<continuousProjection id="testLinearGradedConn" presynapticPopulation="iafPop1" postsynapticPopulation="iafPop2">
<continuousConnection id="0" preCell="0" postCell="0" preComponent="silent1" postComponent="gs1"/>
<continuousProjection id="testGradedConn" presynapticPopulation="iafPop1" postsynapticPopulation="iafPop3">
<continuousConnection id="0" preCell="0" postCell="0" preComponent="silent2" postComponent="gs2"/>
<explicitInput target="iafPop1[0]" input="pulseGen1" destination="synapses"/>
<explicitInput target="iafPop1[0]" input="pulseGen2" destination="synapses"/>
<explicitInput target="iafPop1[0]" input="pulseGen3" destination="synapses"/>
<network id="net2">
<population id="hhPop1" component="hhcell" size="1" type="populationList">
<instance id="0">
<location x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
<population id="hhPop2" component="hhcell" size="1" type="populationList">
<instance id="0">
<location x="100" y="0" z="0"/>
<continuousProjection id="testGradedConn" presynapticPopulation="hhPop1" postsynapticPopulation="hhPop2">
<continuousConnectionInstanceW id="0" preCell="../hhPop1/0/hhcell" postCell="../hhPop2/0/hhcell" preComponent="silent1" postComponent="gs1" weight="1"/>
<inputList id="i1" component="pulseGen1" population="hhPop1">
<input id="0" target="../hhPop1/0/hhcell" destination="synapses"/>
<network id="PyrCellNet">
<population id="Population1" component="PyrCell" extracellularProperties="extracellular" size="9">
<projection id="Proj1" presynapticPopulation="Population1" postsynapticPopulation="Population1" synapse="AMPA">
extends network
Same as network, but with an explicit temperature for temperature dependent elements ( e.g. ion channels ).
temperature |
extends baseStandalone
A population of multiple instances of a specific component, which anything which extends baseCell.
extends basePopulation
A population of components, with just one parameter for the size, i.e. number of components to create. Note: quite often this is used with type= populationList which means the size is determined by the number of instances ( with locations ) in the list. The size attribute is still set, and there will be a validation error if this does not match the number in the list.
size |
Number of instances of this Component to create when the population is instantiated |
Dimensionless |
<xs:complexType name="Population">
<xs:extension base="Standalone">
<xs:element name="layout" type="Layout" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="instance" type="Instance" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attribute name="component" type="NmlId" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="size" type="NonNegativeInteger" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="type" type="populationTypes" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="extracellularProperties" type="NmlId" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="neuroLexId" type="NeuroLexId" use="optional"/>
Go to the libNeuroML documentation
from neuroml import Population
from neuroml.utils import component_factory
variable = component_factory(
id: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
metaid: 'a MetaId (optional)' = None,
notes: 'a string (optional)' = None,
properties: 'list of Property(s) (optional)' = None,
annotation: 'a Annotation (optional)' = None,
component: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
size: 'a NonNegativeInteger (optional)' = None,
type: 'a populationTypes (optional)' = None,
extracellular_properties: 'a NmlId (optional)' = None,
neuro_lex_id: 'a NeuroLexId (optional)' = None,
layout: 'a Layout (optional)' = None,
instances: 'list of Instance(s) (required)' = None,
<population id="iafPop1" component="iaf" size="1"/>
<population id="iafPop2" component="iaf" size="1"/>
<population id="iafPop3" component="iaf" size="1"/>
extends basePopulation
An explicit list of instances ( with locations ) of components in the population.
size |
Note: the size of the populationList to create is set by the number of explicitly defined instances. The size attribute is still set, and there will be a validation error if this does not match the number in the list. |
instances |
Specifies a single instance of a component in a population ( placed at location ).
location |
<xs:complexType name="Instance">
<xs:extension base="BaseWithoutId">
<xs:element name="location" type="Location"/>
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger"/>
<xs:attribute name="i" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger"/>
<xs:attribute name="j" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger"/>
<xs:attribute name="k" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger"/>
Go to the libNeuroML documentation
from neuroml import Instance
from neuroml.utils import component_factory
variable = component_factory(
id: 'a nonNegativeInteger (optional)' = None,
i: 'a nonNegativeInteger (optional)' = None,
j: 'a nonNegativeInteger (optional)' = None,
k: 'a nonNegativeInteger (optional)' = None,
location: 'a Location (required)' = None,
<instance id="0">
<location x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
<instance id="0">
<location x="100" y="0" z="0"/>
<instance id="0">
<location x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
Specifies the ( x, y, z ) location of a single instance of a component in a population.
x |
Dimensionless |
y |
Dimensionless |
z |
Dimensionless |
<xs:complexType name="Location">
<xs:extension base="BaseWithoutId">
<xs:attribute name="x" type="xs:float" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="y" type="xs:float" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="z" type="xs:float" use="required"/>
Go to the libNeuroML documentation
from neuroml import Location
from neuroml.utils import component_factory
variable = component_factory(
x: 'a float (required)' = None,
y: 'a float (required)' = None,
z: 'a float (required)' = None,
<location x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
<location x="100" y="0" z="0"/>
<location x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
Initial attempt to specify 3D region for placing cells. Work in progress…
rectangularExtent |
<xs:complexType name="Region">
<xs:extension base="Base">
<xs:any processContents="skip" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attribute name="space" type="NmlId" use="optional"/>
Go to the libNeuroML documentation
from neuroml import Region
from neuroml.utils import component_factory
variable = component_factory(
id: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
spaces: 'a NmlId (optional)' = None,
For defining a 3D rectangular box.
xLength |
Dimensionless |
xStart |
Dimensionless |
yLength |
Dimensionless |
yStart |
Dimensionless |
zLength |
Dimensionless |
zStart |
Dimensionless |
Projection from one population, presynapticPopulation to another, postsynapticPopulation, through synapse. Contains lists of connection or connectionWD elements.
presynapticPopulation |
postsynapticPopulation |
synapse |
connections |
connectionsWD |
<xs:complexType name="Projection">
<xs:extension base="BaseProjection">
<xs:element name="connection" type="Connection" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="connectionWD" type="ConnectionWD" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attribute name="synapse" type="NmlId" use="required"/>
Go to the libNeuroML documentation
from neuroml import Projection
from neuroml.utils import component_factory
variable = component_factory(
id: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
presynaptic_population: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
postsynaptic_population: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
synapse: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
connections: 'list of Connection(s) (optional)' = None,
connection_wds: 'list of ConnectionWD(s) (optional)' = None,
<projection id="Proj1" presynapticPopulation="Population1" postsynapticPopulation="Population1" synapse="AMPA">
<projection id="internal1" presynapticPopulation="iafCells" postsynapticPopulation="iafCells" synapse="syn1">
<synapseComponent component="syn1"/>-->
<connection id="0" preCellId="../iafCells/0/iaf" postCellId="../iafCells/1/iaf"/>
<projection id="internal2" presynapticPopulation="iafCells" postsynapticPopulation="iafCells" synapse="syn2">
<connection id="0" preCellId="../iafCells/0/iaf" postCellId="../iafCells/2/iaf"/>
Explicit event connection between components.
targetPort |
from |
to |
Event connection directly between named components, which gets processed via a new instance of a synapse component which is created on the target component. Normally contained inside a projection element.
destination |
preFractionAlong |
postFractionAlong |
preSegmentId |
postSegmentId |
preCellId |
postCellId |
<xs:complexType name="Connection">
<xs:extension base="BaseConnectionOldFormat">
Go to the libNeuroML documentation
from neuroml import Connection
from neuroml.utils import component_factory
variable = component_factory(
id: 'a NonNegativeInteger (required)' = None,
neuro_lex_id: 'a NeuroLexId (optional)' = None,
pre_cell_id: 'a Nml2PopulationReferencePath (required)' = None,
pre_segment_id: 'a NonNegativeInteger (optional)' = '0',
pre_fraction_along: 'a ZeroToOne (optional)' = '0.5',
post_cell_id: 'a Nml2PopulationReferencePath (required)' = None,
post_segment_id: 'a NonNegativeInteger (optional)' = '0',
post_fraction_along: 'a ZeroToOne (optional)' = '0.5',
<connection id="0" preCellId="../iafCells/0/iaf" postCellId="../iafCells/1/iaf"/>
<connection id="0" preCellId="../iafCells/0/iaf" postCellId="../iafCells/2/iaf"/>
<connection id="0" preCellId="../pop0/0/MultiCompCell" postCellId="../pop0/1/MultiCompCell" preSegmentId="0" preFractionAlong="0.5" postSegmentId="0" postFractionAlong="0.5"/>
extends explicitConnection
Explicit event connection between named components, which gets processed via a new instance of a synapse component which is created on the target component.
destination |
from |
to |
synapse |
<xs:complexType name="SynapticConnection">
<xs:extension base="BaseWithoutId">
<xs:attribute name="neuroLexId" type="NeuroLexId" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="from" type="Nml2PopulationReferencePath" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="to" type="Nml2PopulationReferencePath" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="synapse" type="NmlId" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="destination" type="NmlId" use="optional"/>
Go to the libNeuroML documentation
from neuroml import SynapticConnection
from neuroml.utils import component_factory
variable = component_factory(
neuro_lex_id: 'a NeuroLexId (optional)' = None,
from_: 'a Nml2PopulationReferencePath (required)' = None,
to: 'a Nml2PopulationReferencePath (required)' = None,
synapse: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
destination: 'a NmlId (optional)' = None,
extends synapticConnection
Explicit event connection between named components, which gets processed via a new instance of a synapse component which is created on the target component, includes setting of weight and delay for the synaptic connection.
delay |
weight |
Dimensionless |
from |
to |
extends connection
Event connection between named components, which gets processed via a new instance of a synapse component which is created on the target component, includes setting of weight and delay for the synaptic connection.
delay |
weight |
Dimensionless |
destination |
preFractionAlong |
postFractionAlong |
preSegmentId |
postSegmentId |
preCellId |
postCellId |
<xs:complexType name="ConnectionWD">
<xs:extension base="BaseConnectionOldFormat">
<xs:attribute name="weight" type="xs:float" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="delay" type="Nml2Quantity_time" use="required"/>
Go to the libNeuroML documentation
from neuroml import ConnectionWD
from neuroml.utils import component_factory
variable = component_factory(
id: 'a NonNegativeInteger (required)' = None,
neuro_lex_id: 'a NeuroLexId (optional)' = None,
pre_cell_id: 'a Nml2PopulationReferencePath (required)' = None,
pre_segment_id: 'a NonNegativeInteger (optional)' = '0',
pre_fraction_along: 'a ZeroToOne (optional)' = '0.5',
post_cell_id: 'a Nml2PopulationReferencePath (required)' = None,
post_segment_id: 'a NonNegativeInteger (optional)' = '0',
post_fraction_along: 'a ZeroToOne (optional)' = '0.5',
weight: 'a float (required)' = None,
delay: 'a Nml2Quantity_time (required)' = None,
<connectionWD id="0" preCellId="../pop_EIF_cond_exp_isfa_ista[0]" postCellId="../pop_target[0]" weight="0.01" delay="10ms"/>
<connectionWD id="0" preCellId="../pop_EIF_cond_alpha_isfa_ista[0]" postCellId="../pop_target[1]" weight="0.005" delay="20ms"/>
<connectionWD id="0" preCellId="../pop_IF_curr_alpha[0]" postCellId="../pop_target[2]" weight="1" delay="30ms"/>
To enable connections between populations through gap junctions.
synapse |
<xs:complexType name="ElectricalConnection">
<xs:extension base="BaseConnectionNewFormat">
<xs:attribute name="synapse" type="NmlId" use="required"/>
Go to the libNeuroML documentation
from neuroml import ElectricalConnection
from neuroml.utils import component_factory
variable = component_factory(
id: 'a NonNegativeInteger (required)' = None,
neuro_lex_id: 'a NeuroLexId (optional)' = None,
pre_cell: 'a string (required)' = None,
pre_segment: 'a NonNegativeInteger (optional)' = '0',
pre_fraction_along: 'a ZeroToOne (optional)' = '0.5',
post_cell: 'a string (required)' = None,
post_segment: 'a NonNegativeInteger (optional)' = '0',
post_fraction_along: 'a ZeroToOne (optional)' = '0.5',
synapse: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
<electricalConnection id="0" preCell="0" postCell="0" synapse="gj1"/>
To enable connections between populations through gap junctions. Populations need to be of type populationList and contain instance and location elements.
preFractionAlong |
postFractionAlong |
preSegment |
postSegment |
preCell |
postCell |
synapse |
<xs:complexType name="ElectricalConnectionInstance">
<xs:extension base="ElectricalConnection"/>
Go to the libNeuroML documentation
from neuroml import ElectricalConnectionInstance
from neuroml.utils import component_factory
variable = component_factory(
id: 'a NonNegativeInteger (required)' = None,
neuro_lex_id: 'a NeuroLexId (optional)' = None,
pre_cell: 'a string (required)' = None,
pre_segment: 'a NonNegativeInteger (optional)' = '0',
pre_fraction_along: 'a ZeroToOne (optional)' = '0.5',
post_cell: 'a string (required)' = None,
post_segment: 'a NonNegativeInteger (optional)' = '0',
post_fraction_along: 'a ZeroToOne (optional)' = '0.5',
synapse: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
<electricalConnectionInstance id="0" preCell="../iafPop1/0/iaf" postCell="../iafPop2/0/iaf" preSegment="0" preFractionAlong="0.5" postSegment="0" postFractionAlong="0.5" synapse="gj1"/>
extends electricalConnectionInstance
To enable connections between populations through gap junctions. Populations need to be of type populationList and contain instance and location elements. Includes setting of weight for the connection.
weight |
Dimensionless |
preFractionAlong |
postFractionAlong |
preSegment |
postSegment |
preCell |
postCell |
<xs:complexType name="ElectricalConnectionInstanceW">
<xs:extension base="ElectricalConnectionInstance">
<xs:attribute name="weight" type="xs:float" use="required"/>
Go to the libNeuroML documentation
from neuroml import ElectricalConnectionInstanceW
from neuroml.utils import component_factory
variable = component_factory(
id: 'a NonNegativeInteger (required)' = None,
neuro_lex_id: 'a NeuroLexId (optional)' = None,
pre_cell: 'a string (required)' = None,
pre_segment: 'a NonNegativeInteger (optional)' = '0',
pre_fraction_along: 'a ZeroToOne (optional)' = '0.5',
post_cell: 'a string (required)' = None,
post_segment: 'a NonNegativeInteger (optional)' = '0',
post_fraction_along: 'a ZeroToOne (optional)' = '0.5',
synapse: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
weight: 'a float (required)' = None,
A projection between presynapticPopulation to another postsynapticPopulation through gap junctions.
presynapticPopulation |
postsynapticPopulation |
connections |
connectionInstances |
<xs:complexType name="ElectricalProjection">
<xs:extension base="BaseProjection">
<xs:element name="electricalConnection" type="ElectricalConnection" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="electricalConnectionInstance" type="ElectricalConnectionInstance" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="electricalConnectionInstanceW" type="ElectricalConnectionInstanceW" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Go to the libNeuroML documentation
from neuroml import ElectricalProjection
from neuroml.utils import component_factory
variable = component_factory(
id: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
presynaptic_population: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
postsynaptic_population: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
electrical_connections: 'list of ElectricalConnection(s) (optional)' = None,
electrical_connection_instances: 'list of ElectricalConnectionInstance(s) (optional)' = None,
electrical_connection_instance_ws: 'list of ElectricalConnectionInstanceW(s) (optional)' = None,
<electricalProjection id="testGJconn" presynapticPopulation="iafPop1" postsynapticPopulation="iafPop2">
<electricalConnectionInstance id="0" preCell="../iafPop1/0/iaf" postCell="../iafPop2/0/iaf" preSegment="0" preFractionAlong="0.5" postSegment="0" postFractionAlong="0.5" synapse="gj1"/>
<electricalProjection id="testGJconn" presynapticPopulation="iafPop1" postsynapticPopulation="iafPop2">
<electricalConnection id="0" preCell="0" postCell="0" synapse="gj1"/>
An instance of a connection in a continuousProjection between presynapticPopulation to another postsynapticPopulation through a preComponent at the start and postComponent at the end. Can be used for analog synapses.
preComponent |
postComponent |
<xs:complexType name="ContinuousConnection">
<xs:extension base="BaseConnectionNewFormat">
<xs:attribute name="preComponent" type="NmlId" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="postComponent" type="NmlId" use="required"/>
Go to the libNeuroML documentation
from neuroml import ContinuousConnection
from neuroml.utils import component_factory
variable = component_factory(
id: 'a NonNegativeInteger (required)' = None,
neuro_lex_id: 'a NeuroLexId (optional)' = None,
pre_cell: 'a string (required)' = None,
pre_segment: 'a NonNegativeInteger (optional)' = '0',
pre_fraction_along: 'a ZeroToOne (optional)' = '0.5',
post_cell: 'a string (required)' = None,
post_segment: 'a NonNegativeInteger (optional)' = '0',
post_fraction_along: 'a ZeroToOne (optional)' = '0.5',
pre_component: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
post_component: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
<continuousConnection id="0" preCell="0" postCell="0" preComponent="silent1" postComponent="gs1"/>
<continuousConnection id="0" preCell="0" postCell="0" preComponent="silent2" postComponent="gs2"/>
An instance of a connection in a continuousProjection between presynapticPopulation to another postsynapticPopulation through a preComponent at the start and postComponent at the end. Populations need to be of type populationList and contain instance and location elements. Can be used for analog synapses.
preFractionAlong |
postFractionAlong |
preSegment |
postSegment |
preCell |
postCell |
preComponent |
postComponent |
<xs:complexType name="ContinuousConnectionInstance">
<xs:extension base="ContinuousConnection"/>
Go to the libNeuroML documentation
from neuroml import ContinuousConnectionInstance
from neuroml.utils import component_factory
variable = component_factory(
id: 'a NonNegativeInteger (required)' = None,
neuro_lex_id: 'a NeuroLexId (optional)' = None,
pre_cell: 'a string (required)' = None,
pre_segment: 'a NonNegativeInteger (optional)' = '0',
pre_fraction_along: 'a ZeroToOne (optional)' = '0.5',
post_cell: 'a string (required)' = None,
post_segment: 'a NonNegativeInteger (optional)' = '0',
post_fraction_along: 'a ZeroToOne (optional)' = '0.5',
pre_component: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
post_component: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
extends continuousConnectionInstance
An instance of a connection in a continuousProjection between presynapticPopulation to another postsynapticPopulation through a preComponent at the start and postComponent at the end. Populations need to be of type populationList and contain instance and location elements. Can be used for analog synapses. Includes setting of weight for the connection.
weight |
Dimensionless |
preFractionAlong |
postFractionAlong |
preSegment |
postSegment |
preCell |
postCell |
<xs:complexType name="ContinuousConnectionInstanceW">
<xs:extension base="ContinuousConnectionInstance">
<xs:attribute name="weight" type="xs:float" use="required"/>
Go to the libNeuroML documentation
from neuroml import ContinuousConnectionInstanceW
from neuroml.utils import component_factory
variable = component_factory(
id: 'a NonNegativeInteger (required)' = None,
neuro_lex_id: 'a NeuroLexId (optional)' = None,
pre_cell: 'a string (required)' = None,
pre_segment: 'a NonNegativeInteger (optional)' = '0',
pre_fraction_along: 'a ZeroToOne (optional)' = '0.5',
post_cell: 'a string (required)' = None,
post_segment: 'a NonNegativeInteger (optional)' = '0',
post_fraction_along: 'a ZeroToOne (optional)' = '0.5',
pre_component: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
post_component: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
weight: 'a float (required)' = None,
<continuousConnectionInstanceW id="0" preCell="../hhPop1/0/hhcell" postCell="../hhPop2/0/hhcell" preComponent="silent1" postComponent="gs1" weight="1"/>
A projection between presynapticPopulation and postsynapticPopulation through components preComponent at the start and postComponent at the end of a continuousConnection or continuousConnectionInstance. Can be used for analog synapses.
presynapticPopulation |
postsynapticPopulation |
connections |
connectionInstances |
<xs:complexType name="ContinuousProjection">
<xs:extension base="BaseProjection">
<xs:element name="continuousConnection" type="ContinuousConnection" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="continuousConnectionInstance" type="ContinuousConnectionInstance" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="continuousConnectionInstanceW" type="ContinuousConnectionInstanceW" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Go to the libNeuroML documentation
from neuroml import ContinuousProjection
from neuroml.utils import component_factory
variable = component_factory(
id: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
presynaptic_population: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
postsynaptic_population: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
continuous_connections: 'list of ContinuousConnection(s) (optional)' = None,
continuous_connection_instances: 'list of ContinuousConnectionInstance(s) (optional)' = None,
continuous_connection_instance_ws: 'list of ContinuousConnectionInstanceW(s) (optional)' = None,
<continuousProjection id="testLinearGradedConn" presynapticPopulation="iafPop1" postsynapticPopulation="iafPop2">
<continuousConnection id="0" preCell="0" postCell="0" preComponent="silent1" postComponent="gs1"/>
<continuousProjection id="testGradedConn" presynapticPopulation="iafPop1" postsynapticPopulation="iafPop3">
<continuousConnection id="0" preCell="0" postCell="0" preComponent="silent2" postComponent="gs2"/>
<continuousProjection id="testGradedConn" presynapticPopulation="hhPop1" postsynapticPopulation="hhPop2">
<continuousConnectionInstanceW id="0" preCell="../hhPop1/0/hhcell" postCell="../hhPop2/0/hhcell" preComponent="silent1" postComponent="gs1" weight="1"/>
An explicit input ( anything which extends basePointCurrent ) to a target cell in a population.
destination |
sourcePort |
targetPort |
target |
input |
<xs:complexType name="ExplicitInput">
<xs:extension base="BaseWithoutId">
<xs:attribute name="target" type="Nml2PopulationReferencePath" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="input" type="NmlId" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="destination" type="NmlId"/>
Go to the libNeuroML documentation
from neuroml import ExplicitInput
from neuroml.utils import component_factory
variable = component_factory(
target: 'a Nml2PopulationReferencePath (required)' = None,
input: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
destination: 'a NmlId (optional)' = None,
<explicitInput target="iafPop1[0]" input="pulseGen1" destination="synapses"/>
<explicitInput target="iafPop1[0]" input="pulseGen2" destination="synapses"/>
<explicitInput target="iafPop1[0]" input="pulseGen3" destination="synapses"/>
An explicit list of inputs to a population..
population |
component |
inputs |
<xs:complexType name="InputList">
<xs:extension base="Base">
<xs:element name="input" type="Input" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="inputW" type="InputW" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attribute name="population" type="NmlId" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="component" type="NmlId" use="required"/>
Go to the libNeuroML documentation
from neuroml import InputList
from neuroml.utils import component_factory
variable = component_factory(
id: 'a NonNegativeInteger (required)' = None,
populations: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
component: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
input: 'list of Input(s) (optional)' = None,
input_ws: 'list of InputW(s) (optional)' = None,
<inputList id="i1" component="pulseGen1" population="hhPop1">
<input id="0" target="../hhPop1/0/hhcell" destination="synapses"/>
<inputList id="i1" component="pulseGen1" population="iafPop1">
<input id="0" target="../iafPop1/0/iaf" destination="synapses"/>
<inputList id="i2" component="pulseGen2" population="iafPop2">
<input id="0" target="../iafPop2/0/iaf" destination="synapses"/>
Specifies a single input to a target, optionally giving the segmentId ( default 0 ) and fractionAlong the segment ( default 0.5 ).
segmentId |
Optional specification of the segment to target, default 0 |
fractionAlong |
Optional specification of the fraction along the specified segment, default 0.5 |
destination |
target |
<xs:complexType name="Input">
<xs:extension base="BaseNonNegativeIntegerId">
<xs:attribute name="target" type="Nml2PopulationReferencePath" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="destination" type="NmlId" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="segmentId" type="NonNegativeInteger"/>
<xs:attribute name="fractionAlong" type="ZeroToOne"/>
Go to the libNeuroML documentation
from neuroml import Input
from neuroml.utils import component_factory
variable = component_factory(
id: 'a NonNegativeInteger (required)' = None,
target: 'a Nml2PopulationReferencePath (required)' = None,
destination: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
segment_id: 'a NonNegativeInteger (optional)' = None,
fraction_along: 'a ZeroToOne (optional)' = None,
<input id="0" target="../hhPop1/0/hhcell" destination="synapses"/>
<input id="0" target="../iafPop1/0/iaf" destination="synapses"/>
<input id="0" target="../iafPop2/0/iaf" destination="synapses"/>
extends input
Specifies input lists. Can set weight to scale individual inputs.
weight |
Dimensionless |
destination |
target |
<xs:complexType name="InputW">
<xs:extension base="Input">
<xs:attribute name="weight" type="xs:float" use="required"/>
Go to the libNeuroML documentation
from neuroml import InputW
from neuroml.utils import component_factory
variable = component_factory(
id: 'a NonNegativeInteger (required)' = None,
target: 'a Nml2PopulationReferencePath (required)' = None,
destination: 'a NmlId (required)' = None,
segment_id: 'a NonNegativeInteger (optional)' = None,
fraction_along: 'a ZeroToOne (optional)' = None,
weight: 'a float (required)' = None,