Outreach and training#

The NeuroML community has a strong record of participating in training and outreach activities. Information on tutorials and workshops can be seen in the Events pages.

Google summer of Code#

The NeuroML community participates annually in the Google Summer of Code under the INCF organisation. Projects are centred around the standardisation of published models in NeuroML to make these standardised versions available on the Open Source Brain platform and improving the NeuroML tools wherever possible.


This round of Google Summer of Code is currently in progress. We are participating under the INCF.

We are looking for candidates with prior experience in neuroscience/computational neuroscience to work on our project:

“Developing standardised biophysically detailed neuronal circuit models using NeuroML/PyNN/Open Source Brain”

More information can be found here in the ideas list (#12).



Other past GSoC projects#